Space-bound in South Africa: A Down-to-Earth Conversation With Dr. Phil Mjwara

EarthzineArticles, Earth Observation, Original, People, Sections, Technology

Closeup of Dr. Phil MjwaraA month after South Africa succesfully launched it’s second Earth observation satellite, Sumbandila, Earthzine contributor Peter Fairley talks with Dr. Philemon Mjwara, Director General of South Africa’s Department of Science and Technology, about the launch, the benefits South Africa expects to reap from the satellite, and what’s in store for the future of developing countries’ involvement in Earth observation and sustainability.

Short-term Cooling on a Warming Planet

adamClimate, Earth Observation

Recent events have suggested that “alarmist” climate scientists have misled the public on global warming with skeptics pointing to declining temperatures since 1998 as “proof” that global warming has stopped… Why 1998?

Heavy Snow in Eastern China

adamEarth Observation

Acquired January 4, 2010, this true-color image shows snow coating the area around Bo Hai. Beijing and Tianjin leave big gray splotches on the snowy blanket, and smaller cities appear as small gray dots.