What we can learn from the boot leather, organization and quick response times that stopped Ebola from spreading in this African nation
The Primary Advantage in Utilizing Remote Sensing Assets for Extreme Heat Vulnerability Studies
Remotely sensed imagery provides an alternate view of spatial characteristics that in situ measurements typically lack. This is an advantage to utilizing such datasets for the analysis of environmental health vulnerabilities.
Giovanni – Making Fast Connections Between NASA Remote Sensing Data and Public Health Issues
Giovanni has great potential for the investigation of different public health issues because a large variety of Earth system data variables are available in the system.
Utilizing Remote Sensing to Explore Environmental Factors of Visceral Leishmaniasis in South Sudan
Initial pilot study results suggest that climatology maybe used as an early warning system of Visceral leishmaniasis in South Sudan. Remote sensing and health data indicated that below average precipitation and inundation in the transmission period (AMJJ) may correspond with higher disease occurrence in September, October, November and December.
Saharan Dust and Wildfire Smoke: An Evaluation of Enhancing AirNow with NASA Satellite Data
We present two case studies as a way to evaluate the performance of the AirNow Satellite Data Processor (ASDP): a Saharan dust transport event and a wildfire smoke event.
Tele-Epidemiology: Advancing the Application of Earth Observation to Public Health Issues in Canada
The emergence of zoonotic diseases is ranking highly among public health issues that the World Health Organization, World Organisation for Animal Health, and numerous national organizations, companies and universities are attempting to address. In order to mitigate these types of health risks, they are adopting a multi-sectorial approach of collaboration known as the One World One Health approach.
MODIS and Vector-Borne Diseases
Remote sensing via satellites enables us to survey the spatial-temporal patterns of vector-borne diseases in both near and distant places. In this article, MODIS imaging time series, in particular, are explored as an application to bolster surveillance and vector control programs.
Integrating Earth Observations to Support Malaria Risk Monitoring in the Amazon
An enhanced EO-derived information system can be applied to operational risk monitoring and early warning in the Amazon. B.F. Zaitchik1, B.J. Feingold2, D. Valle3, W.K. Pan2 1 Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University 2Nicholas School of the Environment and the Duke Global Health Initiative, Duke University 3University Program in Ecology, Duke University Malaria is a vector-borne disease that is … Read More
Using Airborne Geophysical Data to Predict Radon Risk Areas in Ireland
Aerial measurements of outdoor radon levels in Northern Ireland were conducted to produce risk-exposure mapping at fine resolution for household and building safety.
An Application for Improving Air Quality (a Houston Case Study)
In this work, we focus on the surface layer scheme, which provides input to the land and surface sub-models to calculate surface heat, momentum and moisture fluxes that drive the planetary boundary layer schemes that determine near surface wind speeds.
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