The National Academy of Sciences Board on Research Data and Information (BRDI) has announced an information challenge.
Challenge participants are asked to submit project outlines describing novel ideas, tools, processes, methods, and/or outcomes using data and information. There is no restriction to the type of data that can be used or innovation that can be described. However, the data and tools used to develop the entry must be made freely and openly available.
Participants also are encouraged to consider issues related to accessibility, integration, discoverability, reuse, sustainability, perceived versus real value, and reproducibility with a goal significant societal benefit.
Challenge entrants are encouraged to submit a one page-letter of intent (including project title and outline and names, affiliations, and contact information for team members) to Cheryl Levey by Dec. 16. Letters of intent will not be used for project evaluation and are requested in order to build an appropriately knowledgeable judging panel.
The final project deadline is May 15, 2014, and project outlines are not to exceed 3,000 words. Entries will be judged based on originality and creativity, potential benefits to society, and feasibility. Winners will be announced in July 2014.
More details are available on the BRDI website, and questions can be directed to Cheryl Levey.
‘Information Challenge’ Open to Proposals