Despite the many facets of Earth observation, there remains much more to discover about our planet. That’s the crux of “Astonish Me,” a film project from the World Wildlife Fund in the U.K. The bit features Bill Nighy, an English actor and comedian. More astonishing: Footage of creatures like the elusive Chan’s Megastick, the longest insect in the world, which was only described by science a few years ago.
Next is a video of a giant underwater robot (Not our first robot here). This one comes from the Research Vessel Thompson, part of the Visions’11 expedition off the West Coast of the United States. The expedition is working on infrastructure for a cabled ocean observatory as part of the National Science Foundation’s Ocean Observatories Initiative.
The image below is only a screen capture. Visions’11 has been streaming live undersea and shipboard video (which doesn’t appear to be embedable). You can find other content in a video gallery.
Finally, a plug about the 22 others. Earthzine launched its second DEVELOP virtual poster session on Aug. 10. The session includes 22 video presentations from students on a variety of topics.
Earthzine is offering a team prize for the best overall presentation and discussion. Take a look, “Like” and comment on your favorites.
The blogging contest runs through Sept. 4. Following that, a panel of scientists will judge each individual poster project. The winning team will be announced in a special Sept. 23 equinox newsletter.