Earth Observation – The French Connection to GEOSS

bboissinArticles, Earth Observation, Original, Technology

Image of pleiades satelliteWhether for surface imagery, altimetry, studies of aerosols and clouds or recording the Earth’s magnetic field, satellites permit a global view of our Earth and in combination with more precise local in situ measurements offer enormous potential in understanding how the Earth system works from the planet’s core out to the stratosphere, helping us to manage our Earth.

Data quality for GEOSS: condicio sine qua non.

EarthzineArticles, GEO/GEOSS News, Original, Sections

Cropped Image of Launch of a stratospheric balloon for Envisat atmospheric composition instruments validation in Kiruna, SwedenIn the last decade, the value of Earth Observation (EO) to society has significantly grown among both the public at large and policy makers worldwide. As presented in a recent article on Earthzine (Scanning the Globe) the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is coordinating efforts to build a Global Earth Observation System of Systems, or GEOSS.

GEOSS Reaching Beyond the Core

Peter FairleyArticles, GEO/GEOSS News, Original, People

Rob AdamsFollowing the creation of the ad hoc intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations in Washington in 2003, South Africa’s Rob Adam was selected as one of GEO’s four co-chairs, alongside colleagues from the U.S., Japan and the European Commission.