If you work in ocean science and technology fields, then the U.S. government would like to hear from you about research priorities for the coming decade; the deadline for input is Jan. 1, 2017.
Award for Engineering a Better World
IEEE is seeking submissions for its new Region 6 Humanitarian Engineering Project Award, intended to recognize outstanding work in the field.
National Park Service Seeks Interns for Summer 2016
George Mason University, in conjunction with the National Park Service, is offering paid summer internships for university students to promote a greater understanding of climate change in local national parks. George Mason University’s Center for Climate Change Communication (4C) and the National Park Service (NPS) are offering up to eight paid student positions for summer 2016, open to rising juniors … Read More
Data to Decisions: GEO Value Plans Workshop for 2016
GEO Value seeks to build a case-based framework for transforming data to action at its March 2016 workshop.
XPrize Challenges Researchers to Explore the Great Depths of the Ocean
On the first day of AGU’s 2015 Fall Meeting, X-Prize keynote speakers announced a $7 million prize that challenges competitors to revolutionize underwater exploration and mapping of the deep ocean floor.
Call for Papers: Socioeconomic Benefits
Earthzine, an IEEE-sponsored online scientific publication, is soliciting articles of 800 to 3,000 words for its fourth 2015 quarterly theme.
Monitoring the Mediterranean and the Black Sea: IASON Concludes Work Fostering Scientific-Private Partnerships for Coastal Monitoring
The IASON project concludes its two-year efforts to build upon knowledge from prior partnerships and improve sustainability research in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions.
Call for Papers: Ocean Acidification
Download call for papers. 2015 Quarterly Theme, Issue 2 Submissions accepted now through March 20, 2015 Earthzine.org, an IEEE-sponsored online scientific journal, is soliciting articles of 800 to 3,000 words for its second 2015 quarterly theme on Ocean Acidification (OA). We seek contributions from relevant disciplines and all regions of the globe. These can address current and emerging research issues, … Read More
Call for Papers: Indigenous Perspectives on Environmental Change
Download call for papers. 2015 Quarterly Theme, Issue 1 Submissions accepted now through March 19, 2015 Earthzine.org is an online scientific journal sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). We are looking for feature stories, opinion pieces, research articles, news, and more for a special issue devoted to the theme of ÛÏIndigenous Perspectives on Environmental Change.Û Articles … Read More