Kilometers beneath the surface, can the deep sea give us clues regarding medicine and human immunity? Turns out, it can.
Careers – An IEEE OES panel at Oceans’18 in Charleston
Summary of a Panel discussion on Careers held at Oceans’18 Charleston organized by IEEE OES.
Four STEM Tools to Get Kids Learning and Exploring Outdoors
Getting out of the classroom can benefit everyone — both teachers and students. Fresh air and fresh perspectives combine to allow for new types of creativity, for play, and for a chance to connect learning to life. The best of these apps help harness what kids are learning outside so they can bring it back into the classroom for further study.
Serving Students with the MyCOE/SERVIR Global Fellowship Program
The SERVIR group has partnered with the My Community, Our Earth program to provide resources, training, and funding to students in four regions of Africa and Asia for work on climate-centered geospatial projects.
What if Africa were to become the hub for global science?
– The potential for world-class science in sub-Saharan Africa.
Nature Writing Competition 2013 – The Winners
– Associate Editor of Resurgence & Ecologist, Susan Clark, reflects on the joys of reading the entries for the 2013 Nature Competition, and the difficulties met by the judging panel in deciding on a winner.