A EuroGeoss Web Seminar on “The Earth’s Environment, Observations and Benefits” is planned for Wednesday, Sept. 21, at 14:00 UTC.
The seminar will focus on the benefits of improved decision-making on local and global scales. The event will last about an hour, with time for questions at the end. It will be presented by Steffen Fritz, Sabine Fuss and Ian McCallum.
The seminar is divided in 4 parts:
• An overview of current methods and tools for socio-economic benefit assessment studies of Earth observation;
• How ordinary citizens interested in Earth observation and land cover can help reduce uncertainties in global land cover and contribute to the discussion on the biofuel debate;
• How the benefit of reducing uncertainties can be accessed within the context of policy-making;
• A systems dynamics model built to analyze the benefit of the Global Earth Observation System of System (GEOSS) in the EuroGEOSS specific themes of forest, droughts and biodiversity.
This is the first in a series of lectures on developments in Earth Observation sponsored by The European Commission-funded EuroGEOSS project.
Download EuroGEOSS Web Seminar PDF here.