A collage of DEVELOP participants and Earth imagery from the San Pablo Bay and northern San Francisco Bay (upper left) and the Atacama Desert, Chile (bottom right). Image Credit: NASA DEVELOP/Chris McKeel.
A grand-prize winner and honorable mentions have been selected for the fall 2014 Virtual Poster Session (VPS) contributed by NASA’s DEVELOP National Program. The contest included 23 projects conducted by 114 participants across 14 DEVELOP locations.
The grand prize goes to the project, “Cheatgrass: Cheating the West!” conducted by a team of three participants at DEVELOP’s node at Ames Research Center. The project utilized satellite imagery and GIS analysis to examine the relationship between cheatgrass, an invasive species, fire activity and climate in the Great Basin ecoregion.
“The virtual poster session is an exciting opportunity for DEVELOP to engage the global community in NASA Earth science applications,” said Jamie Favors, international lead for NASA’s DEVELOP National Program.
Each member of the winning team will receive a one-year trial version of ArcGIS software, furnished by competition sponsor Esri. Esri creates geospatial and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software that can incorporate NASA remote-sensing data.
Runner-up honors go to three teams who won their individual categories and followed closely behind the winning Great Basin Climate Team in scoring based on content clarity, use of Earth observations, creativity, dialogue and discussion, and decision support:
- When Disaster Strikes: “Tracking the Tides: Near Real-Time Flood Monitoring of Southeast Asia” (Goddard Space Flight Center)
- From Oceans to Rivers: “Now Streaming: A Look into Coastal Mississippi Streams” (Mobile County Health Department)
- From Systems to Soils: “Hard Core Problems: Using MODIS LST Data for Poikilothermic Pest Prevention” (Langley Research Center)
For more information about DEVELOP, visit the DEVELOP website.
Previous DEVELOP Earthzine Virtual Poster Sessions are listed in the DEVELOP VPS Archive.
Cheatgrass: Cheating the West!
The Great Basin, one of the largest wild lands left in the nation, is overrun with invasive annual grasses, and is experiencing an increase in fire activity. How do these scenarios interact with each other? We can visually show the relationships using NASA’s Earth Observing System and careful GIS analysis to help inform management decisions.
Tracking the Tides: Near Real-Time Flood Monitoring of Southeast Asia
Extreme flooding of the Mekong River in Southeast Asia causes extensive damage and threatens the well-being of the basin’s 60 million residents. This project developed a near real-time flood impact product for the region. The product is displayed on an online dashboard with other flood data for improved flood management.
Now Streaming: A look into Coasting Mississippi Streams to Map Watershed Boundaries and Model Wetland Extent
How does a small stream about half a mile long affect you? In many ways! Gulf Coast streams are home to thousands of species, are a primary source of drinking water, provide clean efficient energy, and act as a cushion to the force of powerful hurricanes.
Hard Core Problems: Using MODIS LST Data for Poikilothermic Pest Prevention
NASA is helping to preserve your apple pie! Learn more about the codling moth, a major apple pest, and how apple growers manage their populations. See how NASA data helps apple growers adapt to climate change and future codling moth behavior.
The Balance of Life: Connecting Climate, Energy, and Health
Anomalous Precipitation: The Teleconnection Connection
You Stay Classified, Zanzibar!
Are They Disappearing? Georgian Bay Wetland Response to Changing Water Levels
I Spy A Flood?
Forests and Insects and Droughts! Oh My!
Cheatgrass: Cheating the West!
From Oceans to Rivers: Protecting the Fluidity of our Most Important Natural Resource
The Bloom Gloom: Monitoring Cyanobacteria in Georgia’s Lakes
Landings and Layovers: Mapping Migratory Bird Habitats in Mississippi
Every Drop Counts: Developing a Water Budget for the Rio Chicama Watershed
Now Streaming: A Look into Coastal Mississippi Streams to Map Watershed Boundaries and Model Wetland Extent
Prepare to Transpire: Water-use Efficiency in the Coastal Mid-Atlantic
From Systems to Soils: Forecasting Ecosystems and Agriculture
Plant Hunt: Mapping and Tracking the Spread of Invasive Lonicera species
Patching Things Up: Using NASA EOS to Support Conservation Efforts for Tamarins
Investigating the Extent of Vineyards in Virginia
Hard Core Problems: Using MODIS LST Data for Poikilothermic Pest Prevention
Assessing Tamarisk invasion risk with Landsat 8 at Havasu National Wildlife Refuge
Bye Bye Bayou: Mapping Wetland Productivity and Change in Louisiana
When Disaster Strikes: Using Remote Sensing to Improve Disaster Response
Defoliation Across the Nation: Using VIIRS Data to Monitor Forest Health
Don’t Fuel the Fire: Investigating Fire Susceptibility
Raindrops Are NOT Falling on Our Heads
Land Sliding, Food Security, community concern and Changed Agro Land Pattern
Tracking the Tides: Near Real-Time Flood Monitoring of Southeast Asia
Watch Out! The Copahue Volcano Remote Sensing Monitoring Tool