New genetically modified crops that could help developing countries attain food security are in the pipeline, but resistance to their introduction is preventing many from reaching the poor.
Widely Used Fishing Aid Is Polluting Ocean and Needs Better Management
Electronic monitoring could provide data needed to help regulate use of fish aggregating devices.
When Fishing Becomes Harvesting: Tracking Fish Aggregating Devices to Reduce Pollution, Poaching
Satellite tracking of Fish Aggregating Devices helps island states govern waters, collect ocean data.
Ocean Acidification, Global Warming’s ‘Evil Twin’
Richard Feely, senior scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) in Seattle, Washington, charts how humans are altering the fundamental chemistry of the ocean.
Ocean Acidification: A Global Issue Affecting a Maine Oyster Farm
Faced with larval production problems and recognizing trends, Mook Sea Farm developed a suite of management and mitigation strategies that have restored normal larval production.