Earthzine speaks with Jayaraman Srinivasan, the climate modeler tapped to lead India’s Black Carbon Research Initiative, on the scientific and political context for research on soot and its role in glacial melting and climate change.
Tom Wiener on the IEEE’s World Vision and Work with GEO
IEEE joined the ad hoc Group on Earth Observations in 2004 to help define an entirely new and “virtual” structure, a Global Earth Observation System of Systems. When completed, GEOSS will provide a framework for Earth observation data collected worldwide by thousands of instruments and in-situ methods. This vast cache of information will be catalogued and made accessible through functional interoperability to ensure that everyone in the world can use it—for free or minimal cost. In this Earthzine interview, Dr. Thomas F. Wiener, Chair of the IEEE Committee on Earth Observation, discusses how IEEE’s involvement with GEO has grown.
A Surprising Side-Effect of Climate Change: A Fog of Confusion
Recent changes in public opinion appear contrary to the growing empirical evidence that climate change will have significant impact to human society. In their essay, Drs. Jean-Louis Fellous and Catherine Gautier describe the thickening fog of climate skepticism and put forth a remedy for clearing the air.
An Earthzine interview with Zoran Stančič, Deputy Director General of the European Commission Directorate-General for Research
Earthzine presents Part 1 of an exclusive interview with Dr. Zoran Stančič. Dr. Stančič, Deputy Director General for research in the European Commission since 2004, brings a wealth of experience and insight into the EC’s support for GEOSS. Earthzine asks Dr. Stančič about the EC’s contribution to GEOSS and the benefits it brings to Europe.