– A look at changes in hurricane track forecasting in the seven years between two hurricane threats to New Orleans.
Analyzing Tropical Waves Using the Parallel Ensemble Empirical Model Decomposition Method: Preliminary Results from Hurricane Sandy
To reveal multiscale processes from high-resolution, multidimensional Earth science data, we have developed the parallel version of the ensemble empirical model decomposition (PEEMD) method with a three-level parallelism. In this study, we illustrate the performance of the PEEMD in extracting tropical wave components from idealized tropical wave solutions and large-scale environmental flows associated with Hurricane Sandy.
Hurricane Isaac Hammers New Orleans
Originally Published by ENS – Strengthening into a hurricane just after noon on Tuesday, Isaac made landfall in far southeastern Louisiana in Plaquemines Parish at 6:45 pm local time. The hurricane struck nearly seven years to the day after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans and the Gulf coast in 2005.
Katrina court win paves way for billion-dollar payouts
A judge has ruled that the US federal government was to blame for much of the flooding caused by hurricane Katrina in 2005.
US Army Corps Found Negligent in Katrina Floods
US district judge Stanwood Duval has ruled that negligence by the US Army Corps of Engineers led to massive floods in parts of New Orleans as Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005.
Why Gustav Was No Katrina
New Orleans breathes a sigh of relief as the hurricane passes without devastation, but luck more than levees was what saved the city.