New genetically modified crops that could help developing countries attain food security are in the pipeline, but resistance to their introduction is preventing many from reaching the poor.
How Did Nigeria Quash Its Ebola Outbreak So Quickly?
Utilizing Remote Sensing to Explore Environmental Factors of Visceral Leishmaniasis in South Sudan
Initial pilot study results suggest that climatology maybe used as an early warning system of Visceral leishmaniasis in South Sudan. Remote sensing and health data indicated that below average precipitation and inundation in the transmission period (AMJJ) may correspond with higher disease occurrence in September, October, November and December.
SERVIR-Africa: Sharing Data for Member Benefit
The SERVIR-Africa partnership with RCMRD promotes an increase in data sharing among RCMRD’s member nations. A flood modeling system that will help member states anticipate and prepare for flooding is in its pilot stages.
10th Annual AARSE Conference Seeks to Promote Sustainable Development in Africa
The 10th annual AARSE conference will be held in October in Johannesburg, South Africa. The conference draws participants from science, education, business and policy sectors to promote the use of remote sensing technologies in furthering sustainable developments throughout Africa.
Major Initiative Announced To Help Curb Elephant Poaching in Africa
Originally Published by Yale Environment- The Clinton Global Initiative and 16 conservation organizations have announced that they are investing $80 million over three years to stem the epidemic of elephant poaching in Africa, which has surged recently due to increasing demand for ivory in Asia. The Partnership to Save Africa’s Elephants, which includes the governments of seven African nations, will fund programs that scale up anti-poaching enforcement, combat trafficking at ports and markets with more enforcement and harsher penalties, and curb the demand for illegal ivory with ad campaigns aimed at consumers in China, Vietnam, and other nations. “We cannot hope to reverse the dramatic decline in elephant populations without addressing all three parts of the problem,” said Patrick Bergin, CEO of the African Wildlife Foundation.