Observations to support predictions of sea level “CReSIS” contribution toward understanding the term glacial speed

vanlytgoArticles, Climate, Earth Observation, Ecosystems, Education, Original, Technology, Water

Cropped illustration of the Meridian planeAccurate prediction of sea level is arguably one of the most important societal goals facing the research community. Combining cutting-edge technologies with sustained observations to understand processes and improve numerical models will be required to address the issue of future ice-sheet changes and impacts on global sea level.

Dead Zone Plan Adrift

adamEcosystems, Water

A new plan – scheduled for release in June – sets out to reduce the size of the Gulf of Mexico dead zone to about one-quarter of last summer’s size, or 5000 square kilometers, by 2015. However, it does not set targets for curtailing nutrient levels entering the Gulf and has left critics dubious.